If you’re like me, a fanatic fan of the late English film director and producer Alfred Hitchcock aka Master of Suspense , then you know this iconic British film-maker are known for his past silent movies since 1920 right up to 1929.
You can see the list of Sir Alfred Hitchcock silent films from here.
Personally when I watch some of these old silent movies, they bring back all those wonderful memories of simpler life back then.
Anyway, here I have gathered all his available 7 silent films and just two scenes from “Blackmail” for your your viewing pleasure all right here in this one single post. You don’t have to click any link to enjoy all his old silent movies. They are all right here. Enjoy!
The Pleasure Garden(1925)

This 1925 silent by Hitchcock is based on a novel by Oliver Sandys. the story concerns Patsy Brand and Jill Cheyne, chorus girls at The Pleasure Garden Theatre in London.
The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1926)

This silent movie is based on a story by Maria Belloc Lowndes. It starred Marie Ault, Arthur Chesney, June, Malcolm Keen and Ivor Novello.
Downhill (1927)

This silent film Downhill was released in the America as When Boys Leave Home. It is based on the play with the same name Down Hill. It starred Ivor Novello, Robin Irvine, Isabel Jeans, Ian Hunter and Violet Farebrother.

This 1927 black and white silent film The Ring was written and directed Alfred Hitchcock aka Master of Suspense.
Easy Virtue (1928)
Another of Hitchcock’s silent film. It is loosely based on the play Easy Virtue by English playwright, composer, director, actor and singer Noël Coward. Starred Isabel Jeans, Franklin Dyall, Eric Bransby Williams and Ian Hunter.
The Farmer’s Wife (1928)
This silent film is based on a play of the same name The Farmer’s Wife by British novelist, poet and playwright Eden Phillpotts.
Champagne (1928)

This is a silent comedy film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. It is based on an original story by English writer and critic Walter C. Mycroft.
The Manxman (1929)
The Manxman is based on a romantic novel entitled The Manxman written by Hall Caine. This black and white silent flick starred Carl Brisson, Malcolm Keen and Anny Ondra.

Here are just two scenes from the original silent version of the movie; which starred Anny Ondra, John Longden, and Cyril Ritchard, and featuring Donald Calthrop, Sara Allgood and Charles Paton.
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